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Sen. Caines applauds W.Cup team

The future for Bermudian cricket is bright despite heavy defeats in the Caribbean, according to the Premier's Chief of Staff Wayne Caines.

Sen. Caines told the Senate on Monday that he had joined Dr. Ewart Brown to cheer the Island's team on in their historic first World Cup match against Sri Lanka.

"Some people might look at the score and say Bermuda got thrashed," said Sen. Caines.

"After the game on Thursday, the captain of Sri Lanka spoke. He said 20 years ago West Indies did the exact same thing to Sri Lanka. He said look at us 20 years on — World Cup winners."

Sen. Caines described Dwayne (Sluggo) Leverock as a "national treasure".

"He could not walk in the street without everyone coming up to him and asking for an autograph," he said.

Congratulating the team, Sen. Caines added: "They should be commended for their dedication, not only in cricket, but as ambassadors for Bermuda."