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Argus hits big high

Shares of the Argus Group shot up to a 52-week high yesterday, helping The Royal Gazette / Bermuda Stock Exchange index to climb more than half a percent.

The insurer and pension provider finished the day with a share price of $15, up 91 cents (6.5 percent), on trading of 13,000 shares.

Rival insurer BF&M Ltd. was the only other company to advance, climbing 15 cents (0.8 percent) to close on $19.15, just 35 cents short of its 12-month high.

Butterfield Bank saw the heaviest trading with 20,126 of its shares changing hands, as it dipped five cents (0.3 percent) to close on $19.90.

The Index finished up 28.68 points (0.56 percent) on 5,115.38. Volume totaled 36,073 shares and turnover was $652,399.40.

The Bermuda Insurance Index fell 5.22 points (0.4 percent) to close on 1,300.07.