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Helping people heal is goal of bonfire party

An early Guy Fawkes celebration aimed at helping people heal from their hurts and disappointments is set to go off on Saturday evening.

Phenomenal Women Inc., Bermuda will recreate some of the traditions of Guy Fawkes Day with a two-part celebration on Saturday and on November 5.

The holiday is named after Guy Fawkes, who tried to blow up the British Parliament with 36 barrels of gunpowder in 1605.

Mr. Fawkes was later imprisoned and put to death for his troubles, although modern Britons remember him as "the only man ever to enter Parliament with honest intentions''.

Guy Fawkes Day is also known as Bonfire Night, which sees groups of people either having spectacular fireworks' displays or building bonfires.

President of Phenomenal Women Inc., Bermuda, Margaret Giloth, says that they plan to recreate some of the traditions of Guy Fawkes Day with a celebration aimed at helping people heal from emotional hurt, disappointments and resentments that keep them stuck.

A family bonfire evening is planned to take place on Shelly Bay at 5 p.m. on Saturday evening.

Mrs. Giloth is inviting attendees to write these things down and burn them in a symbolic healing exercise.

"As part of its service to the community, Phenomenal Women conducts support groups for women seeking healing and freedom from the damaging effects of a less-than-nurturing environment either from childhood or from inappropriate choices made as adults," she said.

"We hope that this Guy Fawkes event will cause people to take an important step toward self-awareness and self-healing.

"When the sun sets, the bonfire will be lit and attendees will have an opportunity to reflect privately, toss their pieces of paper into the fire and be encouraged that this symbolic step is leading them toward inner healing."

Since Bonfire night in Bermuda would not be the same without Sweet Potato Pudding/Pie, there will also be a competition and judging commences at 5 p.m.

"I always loved the delicious sweet taste of a slice or two of this Bermudian dessert that was a must on Guy Fawkes Day," she said.

Mrs. Giloth has invited the public to bring the family out, play sand games, and roast marshmallows, as this will be a time of fun and togetherness.

The second phase of the celebration occurs on November 5, when there will be a special evening with Matthew Johnson, chief of administration and logistics at the United States Consulate, at the Church of the Nazarene, Smith's, at 7 p.m.