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Button it! Footballers warned over increase in foul language

Foul-mouthed footballers could face sterner punishment as Bermuda Football Association (BFA) seek to clamp down on those who repeatedly ignore rules governing the sport.

In recent times match referees appear to have grown more tolerant of players cursing on the field during BFA-sanctioned matches. And some believe players now think they can get away with committing the offence.

But BFA chairman of the referees’ committee, Lee Holder, has instructed all refs to clamp down and enforce the laws of the game to the fullest in an effort to stem the trend.

According to FIFA rules: “A player is sent off and shown the red card if he uses offensive or insulting or abusive language.”

Holder said: “One of the main things of concern is the overall deportment of our players. It’s pretty obvious the language has got out of hand and so referees have now been instructed to pay particular attention and be a bit more strict to clearly let affiliates and players know that cursing is no longer to be tolerated.

“I don’t care whether players are cursing their team-mates or themselves, if the referee hears it then they will be strictly dealt with. Most of the cursing is player-to-player. But if the general public or fans are hearing them cursing then this is not good.

“The BFA has taken note of this and wants to become more strict because we are trying to extract a huge amount of money from Government and the private sector. So we feel that everyone who is going to benefit from this money should also contribute in any way they possibly can to help clean up our game.”

Holder said senior footballers must realise that they are role models and also ambassadors for the sport.

“They are the most visible advertisement for the sport and role models for the younger players looking on, and so they do have a responsibility,” he added.

“This sort of behaviour has to go because it continually distracts the referee who must also concentrate on the game itself instead of dealing with petty foolishness.”

Holder also took issue at players who think they can get away with arguing with match officials and fans who hurl verbal abuse towards officials from the sidelines.

“People often complain about referees because they are visible and very available for criticism. It just seems that blaming or cursing off the referee has become the natural thing to do,” he added.

“Spectators seem to feel that their $10 admission fee entitles them to say whatever they want to say. But they need to remember that they are shouting to someone’s father, brother, cousin or even mother. I’m quite certain they wouldn’t approve of someone else treating their relatives in the same manner.”

Holder also called for referees to clamp down on players wearing scarves and jewellery.

“These are things referees should not have to spend time dealing with. It is very basic expectations and we shouldn’t even have to reiterate this at this level,” he said.

“These are things we expect the players themselves to manage and the coaches and managers of the teams to reiterate s before they go out onto the pitch. Referees shouldn’t have to hold up matches because of things like that.

“We don’t have to have a rule for everything out there. The referees have what we call the 18th rule which is common sense. And so we want to encourage all of our participants to apply that same common sense approach and get on with the game and not distract our referees with little petty, basic things.

“So as far as the profanity and all of this other untidiness is concerned, the football community in Bermuda can consider this a national yellow card. The BFA is giving a national yellow card to all footballers that the referees have been instructed to clamp down and become more stringent in the enforcement of rules and expectations.”

[bul] Due to bad weather, last night’s Friendship Trophy and First Division Shield semi-final matches were postponed at Devonshire Rec. The games between Devonshire Colts and Ireland Rangers, and Boulevard and Somerset Trojans have yet to be rescheduled.