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BFA aim to hire technical director by year end

The Bermuda Football Association are still no nearer to appointing a technical director - but hope to hire a highly qualified candidate by the turn of the year.

President Larry Mussenden has affirmed no deadlines have been drawn for the crucial appointment which could come with a salary of $150,000-plus - and would trigger the hiring of a youth director, a youth coordinator and fund development manager.

Earlier this year The Royal Gazette reported former Liverpool legend John Barnes had expressed an interest in the post, with the BFA believed to have received a number of enquiries and CVs from abroad and within Bermuda. Mussenden, who yesterday released the first-quarter report on the government funding strategic plan for 2007-2012, said the BFA would be advertising abroad and overseas.

"We would like to appoint the technical director as soon as possible - hopefully that person will be in place before the end of the year," said Mussenden, speaking at a press conference from the BFA offices.

"Some people have forwarded their applications to us and we have filed them for the time being before we consider them. We will certainly be advertising in Bermuda and I imagine we will be advertising overseas as well. There is no set deadline but we are moving with some speed because we do want to get this done."

Last month one of FIFA's top technical consultants, Alvin Corneal, arrived on the Island to make a thorough assessment of the current football infrastructure. The former Trinidadian international has submitted his report to the BFA, which including recommendations regarding the appointment of the technical director.

"Having had Alvin Corneal here as a technical officer we will be moving ahead with employing a technical director as soon as possible," added Mussenden.

"He has submitted his report to us, as well as FIFA, and we will be considering it and discussing it at our next technical meeting. With due course we will be very keen to show it to the public along with our recommendations. Once we have appointed a technical director we then hope to announce the appointment of the rest of the team of coaches involved with technical development in Bermuda."

Back in December, Bermuda Hogges' president and former Premiership star Shaun Goater held talks with the BFA regarding the vacant youth director role, but eight months on, it is not known whether he is still interested in the post.

In February the Government pumped an unprecedented $15 million into football - making the BFA the richest national sports governing body. The huge cash injection, to be handed out over the next five years, will help finance the BFA's ambitious six-year plan to revamp the sport domestically.

Mussenden said the funding strategic plan report had been released so the Bermuda public could be apprised of the work of the BFA and the application of the funds.

"We are very appreciative and grateful to the Bermuda Government for the support that it has granted to the BFA and family of football," he said. "We have accomplished some significant goals in the first quarter and we look forward to the continued development of football in the second quarter and as we launch the 2007-8 football season."

During April, May and June the BFA spent a total $657,087 of the first allocation - $750,000 - on international tournaments, technical development, club and league development, secretarial expenses and finance.