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Hawaii trying to educate tourists about new, strict smoking ban

HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii, known for its fresh ocean air and pristine beauty, has implemented one of the strictest no-smoking laws in the US.State officials say the new law will protect people from second-hand smoke, but some fear it may deter cigarette-puffing tourists from coming to the islands, especially high-spending visitors from Japan.

The Smoke-Free Hawaii Law went into effect on November 16, banning smoking in all public places such as restaurants, bowling alleys, and malls, as well as airports.

Many of the islands already had county laws limiting smoking, but lighting up now in partially enclosed areas, bars and less than 20 feet from doorways and windows is illegal.

State officials say comprehensive no-smoking laws in 13 other states and hundreds of cities have helped Americans get used to similar policies.

But some worry international visitors, especially from Japan, the largest group of foreign tourists to Hawaii, won’t immediately adjust or understand the new policies that could result in fines. Chris Kiaha, a bartender at the Sheraton Moana Surfrider in Waikiki, where half a dozen people were smoking two days before the ban went into effect in the famed oceanside Banyan Courtyard, said she feels lawmakers didn’t think through the new law’s impact.

“What are we going to do if we lose tourism?” said Kiaha, who occasionally smokes.

Hotels, restaurants and bars have put up required “no smoking” signs, removed ash trays and are trying to educate guests about where they can light up. The state is working with Japanese travel wholesalers and agents to inform visitors, and airports are playing recorded greetings to inform travellers.

Hawaii is selling the law as a clean environment policy, not as a smoking ban, said Marsha Wienert, the state’s tourism liaison. The new rules are needed to protect employees and customers from second-hand smoke, she said. Yujiro Kuwabara of the Japan Travel Bureau said even in cigarette-friendly Japan, smoke-free pedestrian areas have been set up in the nation’s capital. He predicts the toughest challenge will be explaining the new rules, especially when it comes to the small percentage of hotel rooms where smoking is allowed.

“There might be a little impact in the beginning, but in the long run everyone will adjust,” he said. “They’ve basically been exposed to this concept already.”

Tourist Rie Koyama, of Saitama, Japan, said she can follow the new law, but believes other smokers may avoid making the trip to Hawaii.

“Japan is a smoker’s paradise,” she said while smoking with friends on Waikiki Beach.

While Japan’s smoking rate has declined for about ten years, about 45 percent of Japanese men smoke, according to a 2005 survey by Japan Tobacco Inc.

In the past decade, restaurants there have begun offering no-smoking sections, and train platforms have set up designated smoking areas. Public facilities and hospitals are now smoke-free and local officials in Tokyo fine anyone who smokes in certain parts of the city.

Tom Hansen, 65, from Alberta, Canada, said he’s gotten used to finding places to smoke since Canadian cities have also cut down on the amount of public places allowing smoking.

“It’s been gradually coming over the years,” said Hansen, who has smoked for roughly five decades. “I mean 15 years ago, you could smoke in your hospital bed and now you can’t smoke on the hospital premises.”

Businesses in Hawaii failing to comply with the law face fines up to $100 for the first offence, $200 for the second offence, and up to $500 for each additional violation. Individual violators of the smoking law may be fined up to $50 plus court costs. Officials hope businesses and public pressure become a front-line for enforcement, said Julian Lipsher, a public health educator with state Health Department.