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Johnson, Hall lead first Open Pairs session

Last night will have seen the second session of the Open Pairs and even though two pairs have stolen a march on the field in the first session, there are enough boards left for the winner to come from the chasing pack as the gap is meaningful but not insurmountable, by any means.

Leading after the first session are Jean Johnson and Charles Hall with an excellent 65.05 per cent game and not far behind are Rachael Gosling and Simon Giffen on 62.27 per cent.

Then comes the gap with Jane King and Gertie Barker in third with 56.25 per cent, Marge Way and Misha Novakovic on 56.02 per cent and Heather Woolf and George Correia on 54.02 per cent, a good performance by this pair.

The gap between first and third is just two boards so it is still all to play for.

This week’s hand was a story of missed opportunities — initially by declarer to completely kill the defence, then by the defence to not make declarer pay for the error.

Board 7. Game All. Dealer South.


S J107

H K732

D K82

C QJ10

West East

S 92 S A865

H Q5 H J10974

D J109765 D Q4

C A32 C 764


S KQ73

H A86

D A3

C K985

South opened a 15-17 No Trump and North decided not to look for a major suit fit with his 3-4-3-3 hand and made the practical raise to 3NT. I like the bid because it is usually the best approach and also gives little away to the defenders.

West led the Diamond Jack, and it went two, four, Ace — a lazy play by declarer who should have held up and won the next trick. Declarer was, however, without knowing it, safe due to the play by East.

Declarer led a low Spade to the 10 and Ace and now when East played the Diamond Queen, he let it hold. The defence now have no way to unravel their Diamonds and declarer actually makes 10 tricks.

Now let’s see what happens if East plays the Diamond Queen on partners Jack at trick one and declarer again wins the trick to lead a Spade.

Now when East wins and plays back a Diamond, declarer can hold up for one round but is forced to win the next. With West still holding the Club Ace the contract slips to a two-trick defeat.

If declarer had attacked Clubs before Spades he would, undeservedly, make the contract as West’s entry is removed but the contract should never have been put in danger.

So, back to trick one. East plays the Diamond Queen on the Jack but declarer refuses the trick and wins the continuation with the Ace. Now no matter which black suit declarer plays first the defence is dead ... try it. A pretty straightforward holdup play.

<p>Bermuda Bridge Club results</p>

Recent results from the Bermuda Bridge Club:

Monday, September 7


1/2 Gill Gray, Pat Siddle

1/2 Gertie Barker, Dianna Kempe

3 Geoff Bell, Kath Bell


1 Michael Bickley, George Correia

2 Magda Farag, Sheena Raynor

3 Lorna Anderson, Janice Trott


1 Elizabeth McKee, Gertie Barker

2 Roman Smolski, Marge Way

3 Alan Douglas, David Cordon

Tuesday, September 8


1 Marion Ezedinma, Louise Payne

2 John Luebkemann, Lane Martin


1. Noula Contibas, Linda Abend

2. Judith Law, Annabelle Martin

Wednesday, September 9


1 Molly Taussig, Lyn O’Neill

2 Elizabeth McKee, Louise Rodger

3/4 Russ Craft, Dee Craft

3/4 Aida Bostelmann, Julia Patton


1 Gertie Barker, Jane Smith

2 Kathy Keane, Caroline Svensen

3 Pat Siddle, Diana Diel

Thursday, September 10


1 Joyce Pearson, Linda Abend

2 John Luebkemann, Lane Martin



1 Roman Smolski, Marge Way

2 Russ Craft, Dee Craft

3 Ruby Douglas, Magda Farag


1 Lyn O’Neill, Diana Diel

2 Gertie Barker, Jane Smith

3 Elizabeth McKee, Sheena Raynor

Friday, September 11

1 Ellen Davidson, Janice Trott

2 Erica Sheppard, Christopher Sheppard

3 Russ Craft, Pat Colmet

Monday, September 14



1 Marge Way, Donna Wood

2 Ellen Davidson, Janice Trott

3 Julia Beach, Russ Craft


1 Jade Barrett, Roman Smolski

2 Elizabeth McKee, Mike Viotti

3/4 Magda Farag, Sheena Raynor

3/4 Gertie Barker, Jane Smith

Tuesday, September 15


1 Marion Ezedinma, Louise Payne

2 Noula Contibas, Janice Trott


1 Nikki Boyce, Carol Eastham

2 Richard Hall, James Fraser

Wednesday, September 16


1 Molly Taussig, Lyn O’Neill

2/3 Julia Beach, Linda Pollett

2/3 Gertie Barker, Jane Smith


1 Jade Barrett, Roman Smolski

2 Julia Lunn, Annabelle Mann

3 Marilynn Simmons, Caroline Svensen


1 Kieran Powell, Delton Outerbridge

2 Noula Contibas, Martha Ferguson



1 Alan Douglas, Jane Smith

2 Lyn O’Neill, Diana Diel


1 Gertie Barker, Sheena Rayner

2 Judy Fitzpatrick, Jerry Fitzpatrick

Friday, September 18


1 George Correia, Pat Riding

2 Annabelle Mann, Jeanette Shaw

3 Rosie Smith, Russ Craft


1 Elizabeth McKee, Diana Diel

2 Steve Ball, Julia Beach

3 Michael Bickley, Molly Taussig

— Compiled by Julia Lunn