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Terceira shines at Grand Prix

BERMUDA international show jumper Jill Terceira rode her stallion Chaka to fourth place at the Grand Prix in in Giubiasco, Switzerland earlier this month. Terceira, who along with England-based Patrick Nesbitt, competed for Bermuda at the recent Pan American Games in Rio, said: "I was so pleased with him. He jumped very well. In the first round we had only one time penality and in the second round we went clear."

Terceira, who has already qualified her other main mount Navantus for the 2008 Olympics, said she is also trying to qualify Chaka for the Summer Games next year. "This was a solid performance as I also want to qualify Chaka for the Olympic Games in Beijing (Hong Kong) next year. He did qualify, but did not compete at the Pan American Games in Rio as I chose to take Navantus."

Chaka is a 14-year-old South African-born chestnut stallion and Terceira, who is based in Holland has been competing on him for three years.

"I was also the leading lady rider in the show Switzerland," she added.

Both Nesbitt and Terceira have qualified for the Olympics but only one rider will go. The Bermuda Equestrian Federation have said they will make the decision closer to the Games based largely on how they have competed this year. But both have made it clear that although they both want to go, they will support whoever gets the nod. Other riders could also qualify for the Olympics but right now Terceira and Nesbitt are firmly in the driver's seat.

Terceira said: "After the Pan Am Games this summer I needed a break. But I am so happy with how things have gone this month. Actually I am very happy with how everything has gone since I qualified for the Pan Am Games. This year has been great. It seems that finally everything is coming together. After so many years of hard work, putting the time in with the horses and competing things are coming good. These things take time. You have to connect with your horse and create a partnership.

"I have had Chaka for three years and now he is confident. He just goes into the ring and does his thing."

One difference between Navantus and Chaka is the way they travel. Although both are stallions, Terceira said that while Navantus is a good traveller when she goes on the road in her five horse lorry, Chaka is the opposite.

"Navantus goes in the front because he is a very good traveller and then I will have three horses in between and then Chaka in the last place. With Chaka I have to put cushion pads all around him ¿ he is in like a mini asylum! He does not travel very well. He is in a mini padded room! Horses can hurt themselves in a lorry so you have to be careful and also when two stallions travel together it can be absolute chaos. They can't travel next to each other so I have one in front and one in the back."

Terceira is also happy with the way one of her newer and younger horses has been doing. A year ago she bought Ursula ¿ a six year old.

"She will be a superstar and is really easy to ride. She goes in and does her job. I got her through a German dealer and she was born in Hungary. I took her to a few small shows last winter in Holland and also to a spring show. She has been very consistent."

At a CSI three star show this month in Pinerolo, Italy, Ursula won the Younger Tour.

With the outdoor jumping coming to a close now before starting again in the spring, Terceira is getting ready for the indoor shows.

"I just received an invitation to a four star show in Vienna in November ¿ it is a prestigious show so I am pleased about that. I will take Chaka and another horse of mine, Reinout, who is nine years old. I have had him since he was a young horse and it is exciting to see him doing well now ¿ he just needs some more experience but he has all the skills."

Before going to Vienna Terceira will compete at a show in Linz also in Austria.

And she will take teenage Bermuda rider Kelby Lusher with her to Linz.

Lusher travelled to Holland to work under Terceira this year and the Pan Am rider said she is very pleased with how Lusher is progressing.

"I am just finalising a new horse for her and she will be coming to Linz with me for her first big international show. She got an invitation for the amateur tour there. I told her that is where she has to start and if she goes and wins every class it only will make her look better. She has to take these steps. She is so keen which is great. And then later in November she will travel with me and compete in a show in France. She will compete at some international indoor meets which will be new for her. It is a big change but she is doing well. She just needs the miles under her belt. She is learning a lot and is a great girl."