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Skipper: ?We can only get better?

On the same day Brazil and Germany faced off in FIFA's World Cup final last year, Montserrat's footballers were playing a match dubbed "The Other Final".

The Caribbean team travelled to Bhutan to face their counterparts in the Himalayan kingdom in a fixture pitting FIFA's two lowest-ranking sides ? the visitors one place below Bhutan at number 203 in the world.

Montserrat lost 4-0.

Despite the dubious distinction of being in the cellar position of football's honour roll, Montserrat's captain Charles Thompson yesterday declared his players ready to take on Bermuda in the opening round of the 2006 World Cup qualifiers.

"No, certainly not. We're not daunted by that. We know our standard and we are in a rebuilding process. Be that as it may, we can only go forward. I can tell you we're going to give 100 percent."

It will be a signal occasion as the two countries have never met on a soccer pitch and therefore have no reference points whatsoever.

"I'm curious as well as to what the opposition is going to be like. It's very difficult to say because we've never played Bermuda before and it's something I'm sure both teams will be looking forward to.

"Games like these you tend to start off very tense and tentative and gradually build into something very exciting," Thompson told adding his team should be able to acclimatise to the weather here once given enough time.

Montserrat's team boasts a number of UK-based players and, at present, Montserrat Football Association president Vincent Cassell and coach, William Lewis, from the neighbouring island of Antigua, are in England on a recruitment drive. Many Montserratians have relocated there in the wake of volcanic eruptions that have disrupted life on the island since July, 1995.

"We have a growing programme which is boosted by our England-based players ? some of whom have represented us in the past ? who we're drafting in along with our local players.

"That will assist us tremendously in making up the core of our team," explained Thompson who plays in the sweeper position.

Wayne Dyer is among the island's key players and he, like a few others, plays semi-professionally in England. Squad members range in age from 17 to 35.

Thanks to FIFA's assistance, Montserrat received a spanking new football pitch last year in an area called Blakes to replace their main field which was destroyed by volcanic activity.

The national team train regularly and the MFA have started a new league which has four teams.

Montserrat recently hosted a club team from Switzerland against whom they won both friendly matches.