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Sluggo eager to rediscover his top form

Dwayne (Sluggo) Leverock hasn?t enjoyed the kind of success with the ball this summer that he?s become accustomed to over the years.

But this hasn?t discouraged the veteran left arm spinner in the least.

On the contrary, it?s made Leverock even more determined to succeed in an art he has mastered over the course of an already illustrious career.

Like the rest of his Bermuda team-mates, Leverock is bracing himself for tomorrow?s crucial opening ICC Intercontinental Cup clash with Canada at King City outside Toronto ? a competition which has provided a good stomping ground for the Island?s premier spin bowler.

In five matches so far, Leverock has taken 31 wickets and last year topped the ICC Intercontinental Cup bowling averages.

It?s a trend he hopes will continue this year.

?It has been a quiet season for me whereas I have been just trying to play more of a supporting role, bowling at the death and trying to benefit the team wherever I can,? Leverock said following a morning workout at the Toronto Cricket Club yesterday.

?This tournament (Intercontinental Cup) is pretty good because it provides you with the opportunity to bowl long spells, and hopefully it will give me the jump start I?ve been looking for.?

Leverock said it was not uncommon for bowlers to go through barren spells.

?We all know bowlers go through low patches in their careers, but the main thing is how you maintain yourself and rebound from those patches,? he said.

?Bowling is an art in which you really have to keep at it and continue to battle.?

Given his near cult status in the Americas region, Leverock is well respected among his rivals.

?I think a lot of batsmen try to see me off (the bowling) or try not to lose their wickets against me,? he smiled. ?They know that I am a person who bowls very tight and capable of getting wickets at any time.?

In addition to helping his team-mates obtain a favourable result against the Canadians, Leverock also hopes to improve on his bowling performances from last summer.

?Hopefully I can go at least one better than last time,? he said. ?I feel that I have matured more as a bowler and know what it is going to take in order to reach the standards the coach (Gus Logie) has set for us.

?And it?s going to take a lot of commitment and my personal goal is to help the team out wherever I possibly can to make them successful.?