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?Minors superb . . . but top order let us down? ? Logie

He may have been disgusted with the performance of his main batsmen, but coach Gus Logie was prepared to smile last night as he reflected on a narrow Bermudian win.

With the likes of Irving Romaine and Janeiro Tucker throwing their wickets away at crucial times during the run chase, Logie was absolutely beside himself with anger and frustration, though he did his best to obscure this from the rest of the squad who were sat tensely in the pavilion, clapping and cheering at every run scored.

As expected, however, he lavished praise on Dean Minors, who once again showed that he is a ?master? of shepherding the tail in tight situations.

?I am so pleased for him ? he did fantastically well,? said Logie, who is looking forward to successive games against good quality opposition in Zimbabwe.

?He has threatened to take the game by storm in the past and once again today he showed what a class act he is. He is so cool and calm under pressure and along with Lionel took us from a position where we seemed certain to lose to winning it.

?We?ve talked about it before, but today we were let down well and truly by some very poor shot selection from our top order which was unacceptable in the circumstances.

?There will come a time when our lower order does not rescue us and unless our main batsmen start taking more responsibility, we are going to come unstuck.

?I thought we bowled very well as well today and all in all it was a very competent performance in the field. In my opinion Janeiro handled the bowlers very well and he responded to what we asked of him with the ball.

?It was a bit of a gamble going in to the game with only two seamers, but Janeiro did very well filling in as the fifth bowler.?

Meanwhile, ecstatic Minors, who was hugged by every single one of his team-mates when walking off the field, said his experience in closely-fought matches had served him well.

?I?ve been in those sort of situations before and I knew what had to be done,? he said.

?I took a little time to get myself in, but after that I felt comfortable and it was just a matter of grinding it out because we only really needed to go at three and a half runs an over, even though we did not have many wickets in hand.

?But it?s great for the team that we now get two games against a good side, Zimbabwe. The only way we will improve is by pitting ourselves against better players and seeing how we shape up.?

His match-winning partner Cann confirmed afterwards that his groin was still giving him trouble and that he would actually require minor surgery on it when he returns home.

He will miss today?s game against Zimbabwe in an effort to get himself ready for the final on Saturday.

?I was not fit coming into this game, but given that it was so important, I was pushed to play by the coach and that wasn?t a problem for me? he said.

?It gave me a few problems when I had to hustle for quick singles and I?ll need a small operation on it when I get back to Bermuda. I?m missing the England tour anyway because of work commitments so I should be fit for the Canada tour in August.

?I really enjoyed it out there ? Dean and I have batted together many times before and we knew if we just kept our heads and didn?t do anything stupid, we would make it through.?