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Butler promises Games post mortem

Government will hold a Carifta Games post mortem.Sports Minister Dale Butler revealed yesterday that once the April 9-11 meet concludes here there will be a review to the entire athletics spectacle which Bermuda is hosting for the first time in nearly 25 years.

Government will hold a Carifta Games post mortem.

Sports Minister Dale Butler revealed yesterday that once the April 9-11 meet concludes here there will be a review to the entire athletics spectacle which Bermuda is hosting for the first time in nearly 25 years.

Given various Carifta-related controversies here and in the Caribbean, he noted there was much to be appreciated about putting on such a grand event and that part of ?looking back? would assess how certain things were handled.

?It?s interesting to note, if we?re going to be honest, that many countries have had some issue or the other with Carifta whether it?s financing or selection of the team, so here in Bermuda we will definitely have to have a post mortem.

?There are lots of lessons I can learn as a minister and that Government can learn for future events of this type. I think it would be beneficial to sporting groups as a whole.?

In reference to the recent uproar between the Bermuda Track and Field Association (BTFA) and Mid-Island Striders club, he applauded those athletes who adhered to the rules and made an early commitment to Carifta.

?I want to commend those young people who did follow the rules whether they agreed with them or not. That is a golden lesson.

?It?s unfortunate that we have 11 students who might have had a capability of meeting the qualifying marks but they and their coaches decided to take a different route.

?Now their careers will be impacted by this. It would have been better for them to have joined and then protested through the normal means,? he said, speaking at the presentation of Bermuda?s Carifta team yesterday at City Hall.

?We used arbitration as a final decision . . . and it was a unanimous decision that one has to respect your national governing body. There are implications for all athletes with regards to the rules. Once the rules are set you should abide by them.?