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Paris saddened by rival's Cape disaster

Bermudian Alan Paris admitted to shedding 'tears of frustration' after one of his closest rivals in the Around Alone sailing race suffered disaster as he passed the legendary Cape Horn.

Canadian skipper Derek Hatfield reported on Friday afternoon to Around Alone race chiefs that his Open 40 boat Spirit of Canada had been dismasted 30 miles off the Cape.

Hatfield confirmed that he was safe and had cut away the rig and that the boat was stable, although extensively damaged.

Rescue authorities and an ice-breaker/cruise ship, 100 miles from Hatfield's position returning from the Antarctic, were immediately alerted to stand by should he request assistance. However, he said he intended to motor to land.

"I feel horrible and have to admit that the emotions in me are running so high that I was just literally shedding tears of frustration for my good friend Derek," said Paris, the nearest competitor to Hatfield. "Derek and I have been dreaming of the Around Alone since we first met in 1995, doing the Bermuda One-Two.

"We have become friends and swapped much information and encouragement in the lead-up to the race. I flew to Canada to his beautiful boat, Spirit of Canada, during its construction stages - a yacht that Derek, family and friends built over a period of three years."

Paris, sailing BTC Velocity, said Hatfield competed admirably in the Europe One Star race in 1996, a race the Bermudian tried to enter but failed to cross the Atlantic.

"In the weeks prior to the start, Derek, his shore crew and myself were housed by the same family in Newport and our bond, determination and passion for this gruelling race became even stronger," Paris said. "This has been a bad leg for Derek - first electronics, then his keel mechanism, but all were surmountable with his consistent determination and desire to compete.

"Losing his mast is another story, I don't know if he can recover from this catastrophic loss, to a non-sponsored campaign. Time and finances are not on his side.

"If ever there was a time that someone who has been encouraged, inspired and lived vicariously through Derek's and the other skippers exploits and wants to help him in any way, particularly I would guess in a financial way, now is the time. What we have is a good man down and he needs help."