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Hypolite strike keeps Blazers in title chase

Heads up: Boulevard Blazers' Conneko Trott rises to meet the ball as North Village brothers Keith (left) and Kentoine Jennings challenge him at Bernard Park yesterday. Boulevard won 1-0.Photo by Tony Cordeiro

North Village: Z.Hendrickson, J.Boyles, K.Binns, Kentoine Jennings, Kofi Dill, K.Dill, Kevin Jennings (T.Jennings, 56 mins), M.Hansey (S.Goater, 81 mins), K.Jennings (J.Davis, 65 mins), R.Bean Jr, D.Warren. S.Swan, T.Trott, J.Samuels, S.Lewis, R.Wilson, M.Gibbons, C.Trott, M.Parsons (D.Cox, 72 mins), T.Davis (L.Hypolite, 45 mins), R.Burgess, G.Johnson (T.Walker, 66 mins). Kentoine Jennings (Village); S.Lewis (Boulevard). L.Raynor.