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Freighters call on Island

Shipping lanes remain fairly dormant during the cruise ship off season with regularly scheduled cargo business dominating the shipping news.

LPG/C Main Gas, a propane tanker, discharged fuel at Esso Oil Docks during an infrequent stop on Sunday morning and left shortly afterwards.

And regular caller, Oleander, delivered 135 dry containers, 38 refrigerated, 3 mafis, three 45-foot trailers, 17 cars, one boat, one utility trailer and one truck to Hamilton on Sunday afternoon.

The ship departed yesterday morning, returning to Port Elizabeth, New Jersey.

The Scan Falcon will arrive tomorrow in Hamilton bearing 121 containers including 81 dry, 26 refrigerated, ten flat-racks and three open tops.

The regularly scheduled Bermuda Islander is in dry dock and is expected to return to service next week.

Scan Falcon will depart on Friday for Salam, New Jersey.