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Don't give away landMarch 19, 2010Dear Sir,

Don't give away land

March 19, 2010

Dear Sir,

The Bermudian people need to know the Southlands/ Morgan's Point land swap is a potential disaster. We are about to give away 40 acres of prime real estate to those three gentlemen. No wonder they are anxious to sign off.

We call it brownfield so it's worth half of a Southland acre. Nonsense! It's worth more! It's a flat, sheltered, private waterfront peninsula! It could be made greenfield long term and environmentalists need to take note of this.

Southlands should be a separate matter. We are giving away a massive amount of precious public land with magnificent potential. Forty acres forever! Whatever we decide to do with it, don't give it away. It has unlimited potential for development and parklands for future generations. It's not to late.



Praise for Post Office

March 30, 2010

Dear Sir,

I wish to commend, congratulate and thank the TCD and the Post Office for their excellent and prompt attention.

On Sunday 14 March I licenced my car on line with TCD and asked for the licence to be mailed to me at my address in Pembroke. The paperwork was processed on Monday, March 15 and mailed on March 16 and it was received before midday on March 16. I feel that a record was established for both of these institutions. Well done.



Disappointed with Cox

March 20, 2010

Dear Sir,

I used to think Paula Cox would be a good leader but now I have changed my mind. After her financial report I realise that she is what she said: "A cog in the wheel". She's right, just a cog and another one of Brown's puppets.

As I have said in a previous letter, why can't we get the best of the two parties together and work for one cause – a better Bermuda! Stop all this bickering, prejudice and racism and all this talk of emancipation and slavery.

We are meant to love each other, not hate each other. I am amazed at some letters to the Editor from so-called intelligent people who are constantly stirring the pot instead of improving our relationships and our Island.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow the future and today is a gift. So use it wisely.



Different priorities

March 18, 2010

Dear Sir,

A new breaking news alert from The New York Times, today, reports: "Obama Puts Off Asia Trip, Again, to Deal With Health Care." The report adds: "President Obama has decided not to leave on a scheduled trip to the Pacific on Sunday, the second such delay in his travel plan, in order to maintain full attention on the health care overhaul before Congress."

To think that the President of the United States, in his major world leader capacity, could put off a planned trip to other world powers to deal with an issue that is very important to the citizens of the United States, yet our Premier could not put off a trip to a Caricom meeting, where Bermuda is not even a voting member, to maintain his full attention on the Tourism Ministry, of which he is the Minister. We all should be so worried and questioning what the Dickens is going on.



Homes, not pools

March 18, 2010

Dear Sir,

Here "they" are, once again discussing expanding the National Stadium, and in particular, the Olympic size swimming pool. Have you lot lost your minds? I would like to know where your priorities are. We have far too many families homeless, and yet our Government seems to have no difficulty in allocating funds for a damn swimming pool.

For real you lot, at this stage of our economical demise? Personally, I do believe them dollars should/could be used elsewhere. I am not the only Bermudian feeling this way … just look around. For real, we've lost our identity as a people: "We want to dress like Americans … speak like West Indians and spend money like millionaires." What happened to "we lot"?


St. George's

Run for re-election

March 21, 2010

Dear Sir,

I'd like to add my opinion to the recent decision by MP Wayne Furbert to cross the floor of the House. I don't have a problem with Mr. Furbert joining the PLP or with the sittings MPs that formed/joined the BDA. People change their minds, they change beliefs, they change their hair style. The fact is, people change.

My problem is that people vote for MPs for various reasons – it may be party affiliation, an honest belief in the individual or it may be they vote for one person to spite the other candidate. Each MP runs with a certain set of circumstances. When an MP changes parties or becomes Independent, those circumstances change. I'm sure there are many people that voted for Mr. Furbert, Mr. Pettingill, Mr. Tucker etc… that would do so again even though their circumstances have changed. I also believe that there are many people who would not. How is this "One man one vote each of equal value"?

A by-election should be held any time a sitting MP changes parties, leaves a party to become an independent or an independent joins a party. To me when an MP is elected, he has an unwritten contract with those that elected him. When that contract changes, he or she should be made to earn his or her votes back under the new contract.



Show some integrity

March 18, 2010

Dear Sir,

I recently went on an angry tirade against the BDA members. I called for by-elections as they, I believe, deceived their voters in ditching from their own party shortly after being elected. Now I see Wayne Furbert is doing the same. I knew he would but I thought he would have some integrity to do it shortly before a confirmed election. This disgusts me. He is another Jamahl Simmons. Bouncing from party to party to independent. You can't even decide where your loyalties lie.

How are we to trust you to make up your mind on anything? Just another bratty politician who when he can't get his own way cries and calls foul and runs off. Big babies occupy that House of Assembly.

Furthermore, how is Paula Cox going to say she wont take the money in the pay raise yet voted yes towards it? Stupid, I think. But not as stupid as the PLP wanting this move in the first place in our tough times. It also was downright backwards to waste the people's time to debate the issue when Paula said she didn't want it. We have people being shot at in the streets and you want to debate stuff that's pointless? Come on now. Dr. Brown was trying to make her look bad.

Easily seen, people. In closing, I call for the BDA members, Darius Tucker and Wayne Furbert to step down and see if you're elected in a by-election under your new banners. Where is the testicular fortitude that Paula Cox likes to refer too?



End political parties

March 21, 2010

Dear Sir,

In my perfect Bermuda world, there would be no political parties. Aspiring politicians would have to run not only for the seat they wish to hold but for Cabinet posts as well. This would also apply to any bids for the Premiership. The elimination of political parties would mean the end of party leaders becoming Premiers just because they happen to lead the party.

Further to my perfect world, Paula Cox would not be Finance Minister or Premier for that matter. Dr. Brown would not be Premier either, in fact he would not be … well, I digress. In my perfect Bermuda world Derrick Burgess would exit gracefully from the political stage. Wayne Furbert would be made to choose a corner seat in the House of Assembly so that he could see and say things from both sides of the House in terms of proximity like he already seems to be doing … although he seems to be seeing it more from the government side (which ever team is in Power) at the moment. Bob Richards would be able to make his point without being so irritating. Kim Swan would make most of his speeches directly in front of his constituents in person such as in town hall meetings and on the phone, and less time through the media (because it is quite painful to hear some of his diatribes – quite brutal in delivery but not without merit). Louise Jackson would be made Minister of Health, Elderly, and all things deemed "Necessary Nagging".

Finally in my perfect Bermuda world no MP would be allowed to cross the floor from backbench to Government bench until he/she first resigns their seat and subsequently is re-elected by area constituents who would first examine the politician's new platform. This would eliminate political opportunists and cause aspiring politicians to fine tune their message thus furthering accountability. Perfect, wouldn't your readers agree?



Keep on 'truckin'

March 19, 2010

Dear Sir,

It never ceases to amaze me how many "Commercial vehicles" that I see around the Island resemble this one on Front Street today.

Surely at a time when we all realise that there are far too many vehicles on the roads, officials at the Transport Control Department dealing with the licensing of commercial vehicles in particular would realise that this type of vehicle is at the very least "apparently" not being used for such a purpose.

If it is, then why is the business that it it licensed for not clearly displayed on the side of the vehicle to at least give it the appearance of such?


City of Hamilton

Dangerous times

March 23, 2010

Dear Sir,

I am a fairly frequent visitor to Bermuda (1964-present) and have just finished spending two weeks in the Island with my wife. We were house sitting for friends. During our visit, there were five incidents of shootings, two involving people being injured or murdered.

Like many people we stayed indoors at night as we know it can be unsafe at night. The shootings will have a major effect on people who may be considering visiting Bermuda. Some will opt to go elsewhere.

However, it is not only the shootings that is tarnishing Bermuda it is some surely store clerks and cashiers – I experienced rude staff on more than one occasion – and the traffic. Heavy traffic makes it almost impossible to walk safely along the side of the road and while driving I watched some people using the so called third lane. During my visit I drove hundreds of miles on your roads and in two weeks I could count the number of Police I saw on patrol on one hand. The majority of motorists are driving well above the speed limit ... where were the police?

Meantime, these problems are sure to be contributing to tourism's downhill slide.


Retired Broadcast Journalist

VSB Consultant

Belleville, Ontario

Budget killing small firms

March 23, 2010

Dear Sir,

Please allow me the space to express the concerns of myself and everyone else involved in a self employed or small business in Bermuda.

The Budget needs to revised immediately. You can't spend more money than you take in, that is the most basic and important accounting principal. Maybe Paula Cox should go back to school if she can't grasp this basic concept. Our debt has skyrocketed to an uncontrollable level, soon the payments made to the sinking fund will hinder if not stop any chance of an economic recovery.

There are many people who have small businesses who are just getting by, don't you realise that by raising our taxes you are putting us out of business? In an economic downturn small business taxes have to be reduced to allow growth.

I have laid off three staff members this year to try to keep afloat. I will not be hiring anymore for this coming season, in fact I will have to lay off the other two and work alone. I have people asking me every day for a job or a loan but I am unable to help them. It really saddens me to see the people who have taught me all I know unable to find work.

Why do retail stores, taxis, fishermen, and restaurants get a tax break but not the small businesses? We are the Bermudians painting your houses, mowing your grass, installing doors and windows, caring for your children. What is one of the first things people cut back on when money is tight? That's right. All the things I just mentioned. Small businesses who hire one to ten people.

What is the use of giving handouts to a hundred people or free bus rides when thousands can't afford to pay rent, electricity, or even buy food? How are we supposed to cover the increasing costs of payroll tax, medical insurance, social insurance, and pension contributions for our staff? The reality is we can't with this Budget. If you think it is bad now, just wait until the effects of this new budget take effect.

There are thousands who are living on the edge of bankruptcy. Don't push us over!

Here is my plea to our "leaders", and I use the term loosely. Give small businesses a tax break!

You are stifling any chances of a recovery.


City of Hamilton

Teens deserved more

March 24, 2010

Dear Sir,

This past Sunday evening, I had the pleasure of attending the Teen Services Award Presentation which was extremely well organised and efficiently presented.

How heartwarming it was to see so many teenagers being rewarded for such positive accomplishments in their private lives and in the community. I extend sincere congratulations to them all – and to those family members, guardians, teachers, pastors, mentors, friends, and colleagues who have played (and continue to play) such important roles in their successful achievements.

My only disappointment was in the relatively insignificant coverage they received in The Royal Gazette (in comparison with articles re: youth violence). A group photo on the front page would have been appropriate and more congratulatory to each of them.

Such positive young people who are "Bermuda's future", and who are setting such good examples, deserve "centre stage" !

