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We want Ross back

With reference to Carla Zuill's so called critical comments in <I>The Royal Gazette</I> on Monday, August 26, 2002 I offer the following comments: How do you boo somebody politely? Average age - who cares? These people have been performing and appealing to everyone from two to 72 plus, and have done so for over 40 years. Outdated? How old are you Carla Zuill - 12? Bermuda does not say "no more Pat Ross, Mr. Lee". We want her back. By the way, I'm sure Caribbeans everywhere are laughing at your obvious lack of knowledge regarding soca. It's not "winding" - it is "whining". I don't think you need to soak your feet - I think you need to soak your head. And while you are at it loosen up and get a life!

August 26, 2002

Dear Sir,

With reference to Carla Zuill's so called critical comments in The Royal Gazette on Monday, August 26, 2002 I offer the following comments: How do you boo somebody politely? Average age - who cares? These people have been performing and appealing to everyone from two to 72 plus, and have done so for over 40 years. Outdated? How old are you Carla Zuill - 12? Bermuda does not say "no more Pat Ross, Mr. Lee". We want her back. By the way, I'm sure Caribbeans everywhere are laughing at your obvious lack of knowledge regarding soca. It's not "winding" - it is "whining". I don't think you need to soak your feet - I think you need to soak your head. And while you are at it loosen up and get a life!

