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GPS health issues

In regards to statements made by Jamal Simmons.He spoke about health risks in regards to the GPS.Just wondering when the good doctor will reveal denial or confirmation of this.What if drivers have a pace maker?Are you so obsessed with locating the drivers until you don't care about their health?

June 13, 2002

Dear Sir,

In regards to statements made by Jamal Simmons.

He spoke about health risks in regards to the GPS.

Just wondering when the good doctor will reveal denial or confirmation of this.

What if drivers have a pace maker?

Is this technology safe?

Are you so obsessed with locating the drivers until you don't care about their health?

And to taxi drivers, you don't get off that easy.

I personally have nothing for the most of you.

You have nothing for Bermudians in the height of the season.

I do hope this GPS doesn't cause serious repercussions.

