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Stop screaming race

Why must politicians scream race every time something does not suit them or something does not go in their favour?Our Honourable Minister of Transport did exactly that over the airport incident.The Policeman should have been commended for his diligence especially after September 11.

June 23, 2002

Dear Sir,

Why must politicians scream race every time something does not suit them or something does not go in their favour?

Our Honourable Minister of Transport did exactly that over the airport incident.

The Policeman should have been commended for his diligence especially after September 11.

I am quite sure the Policeman did not know if the visitors were white or black when he stopped the Minister.

Why do some politicians in particular keep raising the racial issue?

Get a life!

Keep your prejudices private as many of you have.

Am I prejudiced?

No. I am sorry for and have zero tolerance for anyone who preaches racism of any form.

I know the Minister, hence the non-de-pume.

