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Crime prevention leaflets a safety service

Police have reissued crime prevention leaflets in response to increasing calls from the public keen to protect themselves and their homes.

The free leaflets give very Bermudianised tips on how to stay safe.

Crimestoppers co-ordinator Alex MacDonald said: "When crime goes up in a neighbourhood, people want to get a brochure to see what they can do about it."

Householders are advised to replace fly screens with metal mesh grills which, if properly fitted, can stop a burglar.

The brochures also advise people to fit extra locks on sliding doors. He said: "That is one of the biggest problems, not just in homes but also commercial properties such as hotels.

"Sliding doors don't always have the strongest locks so get a secondary lock."

And women are advised that wearing personal stereos while out alone at night or the early morning can put them in danger.

Mr. MacDonald said: "It's not just for joggers. You get a lot of females out at five in the morning walking up and down South Shore and North Shore.

"We don't get many problems if at all, but we would discourage them from wearing Walkmans. It's good to be alert."

He said the reprinting of the leaflets had been sponsored by some insurance companies working with the Crime Prevention unit headed by Sergeant Chris Wilcox.

He said people had been calling asking for information after seeing crimes in their neighbourhood.

"And a number of women have phoned up and asked for brochures."

The brochures include Security Advice for Women, Neighbourhood Watch, Protecting Your Home and How to Give a Good Description and they are available at Police stations as well as some Post Offices and Government buildings.

Mr. MacDonald said: "There are ample for everyone. It's so people can take action now rather than waiting until something occurs and dealing with it then.

"Police can't be everywhere at the same time. We want the community to take advice and act on it."

People wanting to make security improvements on their home can be put in touch with approved builders selling useful products, said Mr. MacDonald.

And he urged more people to sign up with the Neighbourhood Watch programme which was re-launched last month.

He said: "There are quite a few people making inquiries now."

The Police will also post leaflets. Call Sgt Wilcox on 295 0011.