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Govt. 'waffling' on Morgan's Point

Shadow Tourism MinisterDavid Dodwell

The Opposition yesterday urged Government to "stop waffling and make up your mind" over Morgan's Point.

Shadow Tourism Minister David Dodwell spoke out after Premier Alex Scott said this week Government still hadn't decided what to do with the former US Naval Annexe following a series of contradictory statements from Ministers.

The Royal Gazette revealed this week that a third group of investors spent two years trying to talk to Government about their plans for the 250 acre site in Southampton and couldn't even get a meeting.

Architect Ian Gordon broke his silence after his team of investors could not get an appointment with Government to talk over their proposals to clean up the polluted site and build a championship golf course, marina, housing and hotel.

Two other consortia, Morgan's Harbour and BEAM Ltd., also walked away empty handed after Government could not come to an agreement with them.

There has been confusion recently after Works and Engineering Minister Terry Lister said the site would be used for housing, only for a Government statement to be issued later saying no decisions had been made.

Then Tourism Minister Renee Webb told a public meeting last week that a tourism development was currently "off the table" and she was battling within Cabinet to get a re-think.

Mr. Dodwell told The Royal Gazette yesterday: "We say to Government: 'Stop waffling and make up your mind'.

"We've had five years and nothing to show for it. Our feeling is that there is still confusion and if anything, the Premier's statement has made things worse.

"He said no decision has been made, but we've had one minister saying there is still a possibility and another says it is off the table.

"We are sending out a huge mixed message to investors. In one breath they are saying there is huge potential there, and in the next they are saying we don't know what we want, and that is not good for Bermuda.

"We continue to question what has happened over the last five years. That is three serious groups of investors and Government still does not have the ability to close a deal.

"After five years, we don't understand why an investor has not been able to conclude a deal. It is our view that it is an inexperienced government that does not understand how tourism works.""At that public forum there was not a single voice raised against a tourism development at Morgan's Point. We have a government that doesn't understand what people in tourism support this idea."

Mr. Dodwell claimed Ms Webb had broken the convention of collective Cabinet responsibility by expressing a personal view over Morgan's Point.

"Ministers are not allowed to express individual opinions," he said.

"Under the Westminster system of collective responsibility, it is definitely not appropriate for a minister to express a personal opinion in a public forum, when it has not been decided.

"Having said that, I support the Minister in wanting a tourism development at Morgan's Point."