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Police powers on agenda

Politicians today will debate two bills tabled by Randy Horton ? even though the Minister of Labour, Home Affairs and Public Safety will be absent. Government Party Whip Ottiwell Simmons said yesterday that parliamentarians would only be debating two pieces of legislation ? the Criminal Law (Abolition of Distinction between Felony and Misdemeanour) Act 2005 and the Interpretation Amendment Act 2005, both bills that were tabled by Mr. Horton on November 25.

However, Shadow Labour, Home Affairs and Public Safety Minister Michael Dunkley said on Wednesday that Minister Horton would not be in Parliament today because he would be off the Island.

The Criminal Law Act 2005 abolishes the distinction between felonies and misdemeanours, increasing Police powers of arrest. The Interpretation Amendment Act 2005 strives to redefine the meaning of ?summary? (Magistrates? Court), ?indictable? (Supreme Court) and ?triable either way? cases.

Once the five pages of legislation are dealt with Premier Alex Scott will open a Government take note motion, ?That this Honourable House take note of a Paper entitled ?Public Access to Information (PATI): a Discussion Paper? as produced by the Central Policy Unit in the Cabinet Office.?

Also likely to be put forward is an Opposition motion ?That this Honourable House appoints a Select Committee of its Honourable Members to investigate and report with recommendations on the Bermuda Homes for People project at Southside.?