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POA, Ministry and Prescod to discuss prison conditions

The Prison Officers? Association has been offered yet another meeting with Government tomorrow to discuss overcrowding at Westgate.

The Ministry of Home Affairs contacted the POA following its mass meeting on Monday to request another sit-down discussion.

It is understood Prison Commissioner John Prescod, who the POA tried to oust in a strike earlier this year, will attend the meeting along with the Permanent Secretary Robert Horton and prison administrators.

The meeting will be a latest in a series of get-togethers between the two sides over what the POA describes as ?serious management issues?.

Overcrowding at Westgate and the Prison Farm will be the main items on the agenda, although other management issues are more than likely to be discussed.

POA spokesman Russ Ford told he did not want to pre-empt the discussions by making any comment at this stage.