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UBP calls for slave memorial

The United Bermuda Party has called for a memorial to honour Bermuda's slaves.Shadow Minister for Race Relations and Economic Opportunity David Dodwell made the call on the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery yesterday.He said the United Bermuda Party believes part of the unfinished business between black and white Bermudians is acknowledging, recognising and learning from the injustice of the past.

The United Bermuda Party has called for a memorial to honour Bermuda's slaves.

Shadow Minister for Race Relations and Economic Opportunity David Dodwell made the call on the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery yesterday.

He said the United Bermuda Party believes part of the unfinished business between black and white Bermudians is acknowledging, recognising and learning from the injustice of the past.

He said: "Today we renew our call for a memorial to remember and honour the suffering of Bermuda's slaves and their contribution to Bermuda.

"As government, the United Bermuda Party would create such a memorial as part of our proposed National Centre for History and Culture.

"This centre would not only house this tribute to the slaves who built this country but would also give Bermudians a place where we can proudly display our rich heritage and today's ethnic and cultural diversity."

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), which set up the slavery memorial day, says despite the formal end of slavery millions of people are still being held against their will across the world.

One of the fastest growing forms of modern day slavery is human trafficking, especially of women and girls, who are shipped from Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe to become sex slaves or domestic servants in Western Europe and North America.