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Citizenship policy unchanged, UK says

Hopes that Bermudians will get the right to retain British citizenship after Independence appear to have taken a down-turn.

Last week in London Premier Ewart Brown pressed Overseas Territories Minister Lord Triesman to investigate claims that the policy of denying British citizenship to certain categories of Bermudians could be discriminatory. Dr. Brown voiced concern over a statement from Government House suggesting only Bermudians with parents or grandparents from Britain would be granted British citizenship after Independence.

But last night Government House indicated the British position had remained unchanged.

That position had been set out in a letter sent from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in May 2005 to Bishop Vernon Lambe, chairman of the Bermuda Independence Commission.

It stated the nationality consequences of Independence would be looked at carefully by the British parliament.

But it went on to say: ?In the past, the usual practice was to withdraw British nationality from the majority of those acquiring citizenship of the new state on independence but to provide for its retention where the person concerned had a residual connection ? for example through a parent or grandparent ? with the UK or a place that continued to be what nowadays would be referred to as a British overseas territory.

?We would not expect to take a different approach in Bermuda?s case.?

Last night Government House said it had been asked by Lord Triesman to reiterate that statement. Dr. Brown, who became Premier in late October, has said Independence is not a priority for Government but is still an ultimate goal.

And he said recently he did not know whether it would be an election issue next time around although he has taken on a robust stance with Government House recently, saying it should take more of the heat over Policing issues. Government House has direct responsibility for the operational side of Policing with the Police Commissioner reporting directly to Governor Sir John Vereker, while budgeting and manpower is Government?s responsibility.