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Premier seeks ?strategic vision? to boost tourism

Talks on the current state of Bermuda?s tourism industry were held between Government officials and leading hoteliers on Saturday at Elbow Beach.

Key note speaker John Bell, president of the International Hotel and Restaurant Association, called for a number of initiatives to be pursued, including a broadening of the client base, the brightening of the local nightlife and the construction of another golf course.

Meanwhile, Premier Alex Scott conceded that Government ?could not rejuvenate the industry all by itself? and he urged a new ?strategic vision?.

Presentations were made on a broad range of issues and concerns, including the current financial status of the hotel industry, the Hotel Concessions Act, recruitment and immigration, energy costs and the Island?s transportation system. President of the Bermuda Hotel Association Michael Winfield closed the meeting by urging commitment to the cause. ?It?s all about action,? he said. ?If we commit together today to making things happen, we can achieve our collective objective of restoring this industry.?