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House debates tougher regulations for cruise ships

Regulations to put Bermuda in line with international maritime laws were passed by the House of Assembly yesterday, with security at the forefront of the debate.

Legislation in the Maritime Security (Cruise Terminals) (Restricted Zones) Order 2003, was designed to ?clean-up? laws governing security zones around the cruise ship terminals at St. George?s, Hamilton and Dockyard, according to , standing in for Transport Minister Dr. Ewart Brown.

The main thrust of the order was to enact a security zone restriction thirty minutes before and after the departure of cruise ships.

?There is no doubt that we have peace and tranquillity in Bermuda,? said the UBP?s .

?But with a close association to the US and the UK, there are ?sleeping cells? that can get here... This order is probably to protect our ships from such terrorist elements.

?But what is in place ensures that ships are protected all day while they are on our shores??

Opposition Leader Dr. added: ?The docks in Hamilton and St. George?s have been fenced off for many years while the cruise ships are in ports.

?How is this going to vary from the practice over the past 15 years??

Attorney General responded; ?Part of this particular security issues result from agreements and obligations with other countries. There is already a network of Customs and Police that work to protect our security.

?The ports are pivotal in protecting the internal security of Bermuda.?

Opposition MP said that he was concerned by the presence of a parking lot so close to the Hamilton cruise ship terminal in terms of security, stating: ?I?d like to know what security is in place there.?

Works and Engineering Minister replied: ?This move we are making is because of the security issue around the world.

?Bermuda is not faced with certain security issues that other countries face.

?In this particular instance, between the Police and the security guards, they have enhanced responsibility and enhanced manpower to secure the docks.

?But there are those coming here as drug couriers or carrying weapons, and we have to do whatever we can to ensure their attempts are thwarted.?