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Sister fails to vouch for burglar brother

A man who was relying on his sister's word to spring him from jail, blamed the "misinterpretation" of a newspaper article on her absence in Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Last week, Shane Dillas,36, of Parsons Road, Pembroke, pleaded guilty to breaking into his sister's home, but denied stealing from her.

At the time, Crown counsel Cindy Clarke told Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves Dillas' sister reported to Police that upon returning home on September 3, she discovered several items were missing from her home. According to Ms Clarke, Dillas' sister had spotted him in the area and spoke to him.

Police subsequently found the man's fingerprints in the home.

During last week's Plea Court session,Dillas told Mr. Greaves that he broke into his sister's home because he needed to use the bathroom.

Mr. Greaves told the man that if he brought his sister to court to vouch for him being at her home, he would be released from custody.

However, Dillas' sister was a no-show at yesterday's session.

"Where is she?" asked Mr. Greaves.

"She told me that she might come or she might not," Dillas said. "She and my family are very upset (over) the story in the paper. Things were misinterpreted. All I wanted to do was go to the bathroom. I did not steal any money."

But Mr. Greaves did not sympathise with Dillas and told him: "Your record is a bad one. You have even committed a crime against your own sister."

Mr. Greaves sentenced him to nine months imprisonment.