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Simmons faces revolt in Pembroke West

The knives are out for Opposition MP Jamahl Simmons with a faction in his constituency looking to replace him with former MP Erwin Adderley.

But last night Mr. Simmons said he was confident he would defeat Mr. Adderley in any primary.

Elements in the United Bermuda Party Pembroke West branch have accused Mr. Simmons of neglecting constituency duties and canvassing with family members who support the PLP.

A stormy annual general meeting is predicted on Monday with the pro-Adderley faction looking to oust the Simmons faction in key posts and then force a primary between the two.

One party member supporting the attempted coup told The Royal Gazette it was still in the balance whether his faction could win out.

And he predicted the central party would send the big guns such as leader Wayne Furbert to "make sure we behave ourselves".

He said: "There is a lot of dissatisfaction with Jamahl Simmons ? he puts in a good front at central and you see him on TV." But he said local bread and butter issues were being neglected.

"Central office and the local party want two different things. Here it's about street lights and moving bus stops.''

The source said Mr. Simmons had continually ducked out of scheduled canvassing sessions with party members but preferred to go with family members who supported the PLP. The party member, speaking on conditions of anonymity, denied claims aired on TV that the campaign was racially motivated.

He said: "You are talking about two black people. We elected Erwin Adderley years ago in Pembroke."

Mr. Adderley is off the Island and could not be reached for comment but the source said he was confident he would be interested in fighting the seat which the UBP won comfortably in the last election.

Mr. Simmons said Mr. Adderley had challenged him a couple of months ago but didn't have the support of members of the selection committee to force a primary.

But he conceded that committee could change after Monday night's AGM.

Asked if he would win a primary he said: "I have no doubt. I have been working very hard for a year to prepare if it goes down that road."

Asked if it was demoralising he said: "It's more an irritant than anything else. If it was the majority of the people in the constituency I could appreciate it.

"But they are not representative of the majority of the people in the area."

He said he had been essentially homeless from September 2003 to Christmas 2005 and had taken on a stepson, meaning he couldn't do as much in the seat as he wanted.

But elements in his branch had not been understanding.

"What's most disturbing is these are people who knew the circumstances. It wasn't like I was taking a back seat doing nothing.

"I did the best under the circumstances but I am not making any excuses."

Last night Opposition Leader Wayne Furbert gave Mr. Simmons, who is the party's Race Relation and Economic Empowerment spokesman, his support and said he had a lot to offer the party. He said Mr. Adderley had been offered other seats but had turned them down.