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Katrina victims show gratitude

Students relocated to Greenville,South Carolina after Hurricane Katrina held a special programme to thank Whitney Institute for its generosity after Hurricane Katrina.

Whitney Institute began a collection drive soon after the news of the devastating hurricane. The students collected goods, which they felt children would need, and sent them to Greenbrier Elementary in Greenville.

The city of Greenville housed hundreds of evacuees from Hurricane Katrina at its Palmetto Exposition Centre.

The city assisted evacuees in finding more permanent housing in the area, organised legal counsel to help them deal with insurance claims, found them jobs and enrolled students in local schools and universities.

Whitney Institute students prepared "love boxes" filled with all of the goods they had collected and sent them to the school, which has 700 students including some who were evacuated out of New Orleans.

To show their appreciation the school held a "Thank you Bermuda' event. The programme was videotaped and a copy will be sent to the students of Whitney Institute.