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Study groups to examine Island?s soaring prices

Bermuda?s sky-high prices will be examined by experts as part of Government?s Social Agenda.Premier Alex Scott said there were already 50 to 60 Social Agenda initiatives on the boil and now Government was tackling a second generation of issues.He said: ?We are going to begin to go deeper. Prices in Bermuda, upward mobility in Bermuda, the cost of things like housing ? the cost in general.

Bermuda?s sky-high prices will be examined by experts as part of Government?s Social Agenda.

Premier Alex Scott said there were already 50 to 60 Social Agenda initiatives on the boil and now Government was tackling a second generation of issues.

He said: ?We are going to begin to go deeper. Prices in Bermuda, upward mobility in Bermuda, the cost of things like housing ? the cost in general.

?We are going to call upon study groups within and without Bermuda to look at our economy, our society, our culture and how we are structured as a country to make sure that we leave no stone unturned to deal with those things that have kept many Bermudians outside the largesse of a very successful economy.?

He said the economic empowerment zone in North Hamilton and elsewhere would help spread the wealth.

?Bermudians cannot see others do well in this land and not do well for themselves.?

He said the Ministry of Finance would be revealing details of how the empowerment zone would work.