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New buses arrive

The Public Transportation Board has unveiled one of three new buses to arrive on the Island.The new vehicles will replace ones destroyed during a fire at the Somerset Bus Depot on Easter Sunday this year. In total the Island will receive seven new buses.

The Public Transportation Board has unveiled one of three new buses to arrive on the Island.

The new vehicles will replace ones destroyed during a fire at the Somerset Bus Depot on Easter Sunday this year. In total the Island will receive seven new buses.

Built in Germany, they are similar to the ones the Island took delivery of in 2004. Some improvements, however, have been made.

They have different brake and air conditioning systems and wider aisles and entry ways.

The newer models will also make embarking and disembarking the bus easier for senior citizens because there is only one step in the entry way.

They will also be safer because new mini-video cameras and near side mirrors will improve the drivers' visibility and reduce the cost of replacing mirrors damaged by roadside foliage.