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Webb stays clear of Hall-Bean move

Tourism Minister Renee Webb said last week she would not be drawn on the controversy surrounding Tourism Director Judith Hall Bean?s request to move to another job.revealed last Tuesday that the veteran civil servant has asked to be moved to another post.

And Bermuda Public Service Union is investigating complaints from Tourism staff about Ms Webb?s ?abrasive? manner and concern about Mrs. Hall Bean?s request to be moved out.

Ms Webb said: ?I will not be responding to internal matters within Government which deal with personnel matters.?

Mrs. Hall Bean sent a letter to Tourism staff last week telling them it was possible she would be moving shortly to another post and thanking them for their support.

She denied she had resigned and said it was normal for civil servants to move around.

But other staff in the department have told Mrs. Hall Bean asked to be moved out and that staff have problems with Ms Webb?s ?abrasive? manner. And they allege she often changes her mind on policy matters leading to confusion.

There was no word last night about when Mrs. Hall Bean will be moving or where she will be going.