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Barritt asks: 'Why Cuba?'

Shadow Legislative Affairs Minister John Barritt

Shadow House leader John Barritt has questioned why Government is so desperate to cosy up to Communist Cuba when there were so many free countries with which to forge links.

He spoke out after Government released its memo of understanding on cultural co-operation with Castro's regime on Friday.

Mr. Barritt said: "The Memorandum begs more questions than it provides answers. The one critical question remains: Why Cuba?

"Why has the Bermuda Progressive Labour Party Government felt it necessary to pursue such a formal commitment with Cuba when there are other free, democratic countries in the world, including the Caribbean, to choose from?

"Is the Minister and the Bermuda PLP Government seriously suggesting that we need the help of a Cuban group to develop our own programmes in this area? Do they not believe Bermudians can do this?"

He noted the Cuban Government is offering "paid courses", but asked who would pick up the bill and at institutions?

"There are clearly some potential costs for the Bermuda Government under this agreement. We wonder if the Minister can tell us what costs have been or will be budgeted for? How many people are we talking about? What are some of the likely projected costs?

"We note the expression of interest in promoting participation of artists and 'personalities' (who are they trying to bring in under this term that isn't covered by artists?), but is a memorandum necessary for this?

"We note a proposed exchange of 'experiences' with respect to literary publications and books, as well as an undertaking of "co-publication" projects in our respective languages.

"Will the Cubans be sharing with us their censorship experiences? Is our Government not aware of their outright banning of books they don't like? How will that be addressed in any effort at "co-publication"?