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Stabbing victim leaves hospital

A young Jamaican man who was attacked in broad daylight on Friday has been discharged from hospital.

Staff at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital said the 21-year-old, who suffered numerous lacerations to his back, had been allowed out over the weekend.

Police are still appealing for information to the assault, which took place in the park area between Union Street and Parsons Road in Pembroke at about 4.15 p.m. on Friday.

It is believed the Devonshire man was assaulted from behind by attackers carrying some kind of sharp instruments. A trail of blood left at the scene led detectives to believe that the victim had fled towards the Union or King Street area.

When Police arrived on the scene, there was no sign of the victim. About 100 people were stood around the area, although not one of them said they had seen anything.

Some residents, when interviewed by The Royal Gazette, called for a greater Police presence in the Middletown area, added the incident was not unusual.

Anyone with information should call Central CID on 295-0011, or CrimeStoppers on 1-800-623-8477.