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BIC admits mistake

The Bermuda Independence Commission took out a large advert in yesterday's Royal Gazette apologising for its inaccurate claim that independence had never been decided by referendum.

That howler had raised the ire of Bermudians who recalled that method had been used here just ten years ago when Sir John's Swan's bid for autonomy was heavily defeated. A referendum was also used in East Timor.

Yesterday the BIC blamed that glaring error on endless redrafts and edits which had led to what it admitted was a "misleading and inaccurate statement" and the advert went on to apologise for the error.

However not all of the 13 BIC members were admitting blame. The statement was not signed by BIC members Marc Bean, Donna Pearman and Rolfe Commissiong.

Mr. Commissiong refused to comment about his stance when contacted by The Royal Gazette last night.

The advert also said the reason the full United Bermuda Party submission was left out of the report was because it was not referred to in the main text although it can be accessed along with all the other written submissions at the Government website.

On the criticism that the report was unbalanced because it did not address the benefits of the present arrangement with Britain, the advert said: "We are confident that all those reading the report will recognise the advantages of maintaining the status quo, which are contained, in some detail, in the report, particularly in sections 3.7 and 3.9."

Opposition leader Grant Gibbons gave the BIC advert a lukewarm reception.

He said: "This advert is a step in the right direction but it still leaves many unanswered questions and as a result the credibility BIC report is still a significant issue.

"I find it curious that the BIC members chose taking out this advert as opposed to a press release or facing the public at a press conference.

"I also wonder why not all the BIC signed this particular ad and wondered whether there was a difference of opinion or even a split in the group."