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No-show by Crown counsel to be probed

Kulandra Ratneser

The Director of Public Prosecutions has launched an internal inquiry after the non-appearance of Crown counsel led to the dismissal of a traffic offence.

Jamie Cann, a Royal Gazette employee, was due in Magistrates' Court at 9 a.m. yesterday for allegedly playing loud music from his car outside this paper's offices at 6 a.m. on July 25.

But the case was dismissed by Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves as prosecution counsel failed to attend.

Two Police officers, however, were in court at the time with one having to swap shift for his appearance and the second, a reserve officer, having to take time off from her regular job to attend.

Acting Director of Public Prosecutions Kulandra Ratneser said there would be an investigation.

It is understood the Crown counsel due to attend was summoned to Supreme Court at short notice.

"We have to man five courts and deal with 140 cases a week and human errors can occur," Mr. Ratneser told The Royal Gazette.

"The case was indeed dismissed although it can be re-instated. We will be looking into the circumstances of how this mix up occurred."