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Jamaican man remanded pending deportation

Bermuda taxpayers may have to pay for the deportation of another Jamaican national, the second in less than a week.

Raymond Barnett applied for an extension to his stay in Bermuda on January 28, 2002. He received permission to stay until March 19, 2002.

However, he was arrested on October 24, 2003 after overstaying his welcome. At the time Barnett told Police: "The whole world my father made and I feel I can live anywhere in the world. This is my wish. One love."

"That's an interesting thing to say," commented Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves when Barnett appeared in Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Though Barnett did have a ticket home it has expired, and Immigration has applied to have him deported. However, the court learned that he does have some money of his own, and may be able to pay his own way home. Mr. Greaves remanded him pending deportation.

Barnett is the second Jamaican man to be remanded pending possible deportation within a week. Robert David White was remanded into custody last Thursday at Magistrates' Court until it could be discovered whether a ticket to Jamaica he claimed to possess was valid or not.