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'Big' day hailed as a success

Saturday?s seventh annual Big Brothers and Big Sisters recruitment drive at Warwick Camp was an ?excellent day? according to the charity?s executive director, Esme Williams.

She said that more than 50 children waited to be paired up with a Big Brother or a Big Sister as the organisation had had some recent intakes.

?The day was a success,? Ms Williams said. ?Several key people came by to say that they were interested. We had several applications that we are processing.?

The Bermuda Regiment played host for the event and let both children and adults tackle the obstacle wall, before providing lunch for all comers in the mess hall.

?The Regiment was well-prepared ? the youngsters were taught about teamwork, which you need to have to go through one of those courses,? Ms Williams said. ?This event is for the unmatched children. We have one or two matched children who are available to talk and answer questions. At lunch I sat with one lady who was interested in volunteering and I was able to tell her what it was about.?

Ms Williams said that although the higher percentage of matchless children were boys although she did not want to say that the organisation needed more male volunteers for fear of less women volunteering in the future.