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Tropical storm threat expected to blow over

The weather is set to improve slightly today - but weather forecasters in Bermuda are continuing to keep a watchful eye on tropical storm Kyle as it hovers over the Atlantic Ocean.

As of last night, Kyle was stationary about 270 nautical miles to the south west of the Island and was expected to slowly move further away in a south westerly direction.

Meteorologist Declan O'Connell, of the Bermuda Weather Service, said when any major weather system was within 400 miles of the Island it had to be monitored and considered a potential threat.

He said: "It's unlikely that Kyle will come our way now, but I suppose it could happen, which is why we continue to watch it.

"We are expecting it to move on, but we are keeping a close on it because it is just sitting down there."

The strong winds and high seas that have taken hold of Bermuda in the last few days have been due to a combination of Kyle to the south and strong high pressure to the north, which caused a pressure squeeze over the Island.

However, yesterday they began to calm down, with winds reportedly blowing at about 20 knots last night, enabling the cruise ships to take up their usual positions in St. George's again, which they had been unable to do on Monday.