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Kate not seen as a threat

Weather forecasters are keeping an eye on Hurricane Kate as she sits directly to our east and slowly makes her way in Bermuda's direction. But the category one hurricane, which was expected to be upgraded from a tropical storm last night, is not likely to be a threat and is still some 1,400 miles away.

Kate, with winds of 65 knots, gusting at 80, is predicted to track westerly, in Bermuda's direction, over the next few days, before turning and heading north by Saturday morning.

If it follows its expected path, it will be at its closest point to the Island at 9 a.m. on Sunday - but still some distance away. Bermuda Weather Service meteorologist Declan O'Connell said Bermuda had no need to consider Kate a threat at this time, but, as with all severe weather systems, people should keep an eye on it.

"It is on a level with us now, but it is a very long way away," he said. "The pattern of jet stream winds in the south are likely to push Kate north well before it comes anywhere near Bermuda. It does look like it's going north and it's unusual for a storm to come to us from the north or north-east. It's a long way off, but it's always good for people to keep an eye on it."