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Soldiers leave for Caymans today

Operation ?Cayman Comeback? is well under way, with the Bermuda Regiment ready to leave for the Cayman Islands today.

Yesterday, the Bermuda Regiment Public Relations Officer Captain Wayne Smith said two contingents, involving 50 soldiers of all ranks, will travel to the Cayman Islands, each for a two week duration.

The Bermuda Regiment?s main effort will be on restoring the Cayman Islands to normality as soon as possible. This will include road clearing, tree felling, debris removal and general clean-up, similar to the post-Fabian recovery operation. The contingent will include several individuals who have been certified in the safe and effective operation of chainsaws and who are also skilled and experienced in hurricane relief efforts, said Capt. Smith.

Capt. Smith said the intent was to send the Bermuda contingent in two rotations of 20-30 people. The first group will depart Bermuda today and return on Saturday, October 16.

The Royal Air Force has made available a C-130 aircraft to transport the first group to Grand Cayman. The Government of the Cayman Islands has indicated that their national carrier, Cayman Airways, will be available to transport the first group back to Bermuda and take the second group to Grand Cayman, on October 16.

It is intended that the second group will leave the Cayman Islands on Saturday, October 30 returning on the RAF C-130.
