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Seven arrested

Seven Bermuda Regiment soldiers who failed to turn out to help restore and rebuild the Island in the wake of Hurricane Fabian were arrested yesterday and could be brought before the courts.

Last night, Lt. Wayne Caines warned that the Regimental Police would continue to make arrests at people's homes and places of employment while the embodiment remained in place.

"Regimental Police went out and arrested seven men who did not answer the call for embodiment," he said. "They will go before the Commanding Officer tomorrow and he will then decide what punishment should be meted out. It's a distinct possibility that they could be brought before the criminal courts.

"But it's not too late for any soldier to turn up at Warwick Camp. If they turn up on Thursday they will feel a sting. If they don't turn up at all, they will enter the house of pain. The maximum punishment is six months in prison."

Family and employers were urged to assist in the embodiment initiative last night by encouraging all absentee soldiers to report to Warwick Camp as soon as possible.

And regiment commanding officer Lt.Col. Lambe also said that from today the senior cadets would enter into the recovery and restoration effort, although this was not a mandatory embodiment.

He said the 15 to 17-year-old cadets were not of an age to be legally obligated to serve in this capacity, but he added: "This is yet another example of how the regiment employs its resources in the development of this country, through the development of its young people."