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Bermuda Shorts

Three more pre-fab homes arrived in Bermuda this week, bringing the total to six. "No locations have been finalised at this time and the Ministry of Works and Engineering and Housing is still in discussions with the Department of Planning," a spokesman for the Ministry said yesterday.

Three more pre-fab homes arrive

Three more pre-fab homes arrived in Bermuda this week, bringing the total to six. "No locations have been finalised at this time and the Ministry of Works and Engineering and Housing is still in discussions with the Department of Planning," a spokesman for the Ministry said yesterday.

However, the spokesman did not know where the homes are being temporarily stored until a permanent location is decided.

Minister of Works and Engineering and Housing Ashfield Devent could not be reached for comment yesterday.

Public's views sought by Govt.

Government is seeking the public's views on the recently released discussion paper on Public Access to Information.

The discussion paper is intended to inform the public, including organisations, companies and the media about Government's activities and operations.

It is designed to encourage people to participate actively in the political process and the decision-making process and reduce secrecy in Government and to achieve more transparent and accountable government.

The period of consultation will be open until October 21 and is an opportunity for individuals and organisations to provide insight into the Public Access to Information initiative.

Copies of the discussion paper are available at all post offices and electronic copies can be accessed via the Central Policy Unit website at www.cpu.gov.bm under the section on Projects.

Comments can be mailed to The PATI team, The Central Policy Unit, Cabinet Office, 105 Front Street, Hamilton, HM 12, or emailed to patigov.bm, faxed to 296-0555 or telephone 298-7168.