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Little Venice wants out of fast ferry food concession

Mystery surrounds who is going to run the concession on the fast ferries as The Royal Gazette has learned that The Little Venice Group of Companies no longer wants the job.

A source close to the company told The Royal Gazette that the contract has been offered to two women who currently operate concessions on the old Somerset ferry.

When contacted, one of the women, who asked not to be named, said: "No comment. They haven't offered me anything yet."

Earlier this year, MEF Ltd., the parent company of the Little Venice Group, beat out at least five other competitors in the concession bid.

But the restaurant conglomerate now wants to sever its deal before it expires, although it is not known when that is as details of the contract were never made public, The Royal Gazette understands.

Karen Stroder, assistant to the company's directors, denied knowing anything about the allegation and directed all queries to Giacchino DiMeglio.

But when he spoke to the paper he simply said: "That's not true. We are currently negotiating a new contract. Nothing has been finalised."

A Government spokesperson said the Transport Ministry was unaware of MEF's plans.