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Wellington Oval witness charged with perjury

A witness who was violently arrested on Wednesday in front of several people was charged with perjury Magistrates? Court yesterday.

Antoine Anderson, 27, of St. Monica?s Road, Pembroke, was charged with giving false testimony in the Wellington Oval trial which he did not believe to be true, touching a matter which was material to a question in the proceedings, namely the identification of the defendants. During his testimony in the Wellington Oval trial, he accused Police of falsifying his statement and told the court that he had been assaulted by Police at the lunch break of the trial.

After a Magistrate said he could not help Anderson with any form of protection from Police, he was forcefully arrested in the foyer of Magistrates? Court in front of lawyers, judges, media and members of the public.

According to onlookers, Anderson was not given a reason for his arrest was and was ?jumped? by Police.

Anderson, who is represented by Mark Pettingill, was also charged with violently resisting arrest.

He did not enter a plea because he chose to have the matter dealt with in Supreme Court.

Crown counsel Cindy Clarke had no objections to bail but asked that Anderson report to the Hamilton Police Station three times a week.

Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves set bail at $2,500 with a surety and did not order Anderson to report to the Hamilton Police Station.

He will appear in court again for mention on June 9.

Anderson?s father, Herbert Santucci, appeared in court with him and was charged with obstructing the duties of Police officer Jason Smith.

Santucci, 49, of Glebe Road, Pembroke, denied the charge and will appear for trial on June 21.

Mr. Greaves set bail at $1,000.

United Bermuda Party Sen. Leonard Santucci was present in court in support of both his brother and nephew.

Acting Director of Public Prosecutions Kulandra Ratneser said of the Anderson?s arrest: ?We must penalise those that make a mockery of the system. It is important that witnesses are protected but those that give evidence which is false should also be prosecuted.?

Mr. Ratneser said he approved the charges against Anderson.