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Bus drivers who won't give way

Bus drivers are refusing to stop at the new bus stop by the ferry terminal on Front Street despite measures already taken to accommodate their concerns.

Last week a sign appeared on the road asking commuters to give way to buses pulling out of the stop.

Stephen Outerbridge, Assistant Director of the Public Transportation Board (PTB) explained that drivers had expressed concern that "if they were to stop there, they would have difficulty getting back into traffic".

But he also confirmed that bus drivers are still not servicing the stop and referred further questions to Acting Permanent Secretary Kenneth Joaquin.

Mr. Joaquin did not return calls to his office. But Bermuda Industrial Union president Derrick Burgess said that the drivers were concerned about safety ramifications of the new bus stop.

"It's very congested there now and with the season approaching it would be worse," he said.

Mr. Burgess said that other measures need to be put in place in addition to the road sign, and that talks with Transport Ministry officials were going well.

"We have made suggestions to make it safer. Once that's done the bus drivers will stop there."

He said one of the suggestions was to create a lay-by so the buses can get out of the roadway.