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BHC probe leaves Bascome cold

Justice has not been totally done in getting to the core of the BHC scandal believes the man in charge when it erupted. Former Health Minister Nelson Bascome said he regretted having the Housing portfolio taken from him during the investigation.

He told ?I don?t think justice has totally been done. I think the Minister that came in after me stated there were many more persons who needed to be exposed.

?I haven?t seen that exposure. There are some persons who have fallen through the cracks. They didn?t have enough information gathered that warranted a court case. I think it was short.?

But he denied political pressure had anything to do with it. ?It was the Police?s investigation. Anytime you have our local force bring in Scotland Yard to investigate you know it is not politically motivated. The Police went to that next level.?

As the controversy raged the Opposition had called for his head but Mr. Bascome seemed ambivalent about where the blame lay.

?So if I am the head of the Bank of Bermuda and my teller is stealing money who gets the blame? The boss at the Bank of Bermuda? No. Someone is bringing in drugs through my company? Who gets the blame? Me the boss? No.

?I have always said the buck stops with me. If it?s happening on my watch then it is happening on my watch. Maybe I should have had my hands in everything but as the Minister of a large Ministry that?s why you have quangos ? they are there to operate as a quasi autonomous body and they have a board, directors and a general manager who is supposed to run that body and be able to run it well.

?You put trust in people and hope all is going well. It is human nature.?

Asked if Raymond Dill, who replaced Ed Cowen as General Manager of BHC, was his choice, Mr. Bascome said that appointment had been a Cabinet decision.