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Webb denies UK reps dismissed

Renee Webb

A story reported on VSB News last night claiming that Tourism Minister Renee Webb has fired the London company responsible for promoting Bermuda tourism throughout the UK and Europe has been labelled “completely false” by Ms Webb.

“CIB still has the contract,” she said, explaining that Tourism has put out a request for new contractors, adding “we are still in negotiation”.

Speaking to The Royal Gazette last night Ms Webb also said she did not know who the people the report named as the new contractors for tourism in the UK and Europe were. “I have never heard of that person in my life,” she said. “When we finalise negotiations we will give a press release. Until then what is important is that CIB still have the contract and we haven't signed off to anyone else.”

CIB has been directing tourism promotion for Bermuda in the UK and Europe for 18 years, she said.