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Companies not scared off by gang violence

International companies will not be scared off by the recent violence at Wellington Oval, but business leader David Ezekiel said it could be a factor in deciding to stay.

Last week the Bermuda International Business Association held a meeting with Premier Alex Scott to raise fears over the spiralling violence.

Around 40 people disrupted the Friendship Trophy Final between Somerset Eagles and North Village and battled with machetes, knives, sticks and concrete blocks.

The violence put three people in hospital with one man suffering a stab wound inches from his heart.

Mr. Ezekiel said the Association of Bermuda International Companies has not raised specific concerns.

?It hasn?t been addressed. Violence is just one quality of life issue,? he said.

?Quality of life in Bermuda is extremely high. It?s one of the main reasons companies are attracted to the Island.

?If that deteriorates in pieces or as a whole it will have an impact.

?At this stage it is clearly something people want to see controlled and will be adding their support to having it controlled.

?It?s just one factor of the experience in Bermuda but it is a very important one.?